Revital Hakim Strichman, is an autodidact visual artist, whose work intricately explores the connections between material and memory through thread portraits. Her recent installation, “I am Home,” became a viral sensation at the Larnaca Biennale, showcasing large-scale, free-motion-sewn portraits that evoke a sense of belonging and home. Grateful for her finalist award, Revital described it as a “ray of light” in difficult times. She invites future artists to join the Biennale, calling it a warm, professional, and rewarding experience.

Who is artist Revital Hakim Strichman? Share with us a few things about you and your work in general.

First all of all – I’m very thankful and honoured to participate in this interview. thanks for the opportunity. I am an autodidact visual artist based in Tel Aviv, Israel. A wife, and a mother to 3 beautiful kids . My artistic work seeks to explore the delicate and intricate connections between material and memory. I search for authentic and simple materials that bear visible traces of life, creating tangible works composed of layers and textures, that invite tactile engagement. The thread portraits, that currently stand at the center of my practice, are intricately crafted with thread and sewing machine, using domestic and traditional techniques that evoke emotion and express the traditional feminine practices in textile. However, in the process chosen, I seek freedom and strive to create a kind of chaotic disruption akin to an abstract sketch.

What was your reaction when you heard that you were awarded with a finalist award?!

As you can imagine I was very excited. It’s always very heartwarming to receive appreciation for your hard work, but to get this award meant even more to me as it was my first time to reveal this work and my first participation in an international biennale. Unfortunately, I couldn’t participate in the opening night, those were (and still) very hard times in my country and I couldn’t leave. This award and acknowledgment were a ray of light.

“I am home” by Revital Hakim Strichman, Israel. Photo Credit : Theodora Iacovou

Tell us a few words about your awarded installation ‘‘I am Home’’. It is important to mention that your installation became viral in Social Media from visitors posts!

The first time I saw the biennale theme “Home away from Home” I was very moved and I knew I had to be a part of it. My installation includes 3 large scale thread portraits hanging in the gallery space projecting their shadows on the wall. The portraits are sewn in a free motion practice in a sewing machine.

For me, the portrait is a home. Holding within its walls of flesh a sense of belonging, making me feel safe and comforted. Within the stitched portraits, fading memories are intricately woven, capturing the D.N.A of what symbolizes a home for me. They are like a slough of an identity that once resided within them, and has since disappeared.
Constructed with simple materials and home crafted, the portraits are delicately hang like a sheer curtain. A borderless border, creating a separation from the outside world and inviting us into a realm of familiarity, warmth, and tranquillity. As I gaze upon those familiar eyes, I am transported back home, where I truly belong and yes – I was overwhelmed with the social media uploads – it was amazing and actually it was the only opportunity for me to feel as if I was there, until I could physically come to Larnaca.

“I am home” by Revital Hakim Strichman, Israel . sewing threads dimensions 200x110x100cm.
Photo Credits : Theodora Iacovou

You have visited Larnaca twice for your installation procedures. What was your overall impression of Larnaca and Larnaca Biennale?

Larnaca basically felt like a home away from home to me. The amazing and super friendly team, the delicious food, the scenery – all of it made me feel welcome and at home.

A message you would like to send to artists that will apply in the future for participation in the Larnaca Biennale.

Well, If you want to be a part of a professional, supporting and fun project I very much recommend the adventure. See you there!