Who is artist Gabriela Stellino? Share with us a few things about you and your work in general.
Gabriela Stellino is a German artist with Argentinean and italian background, renowned for her fascinating series “Secuencias”, breathing life into masterful watercolour works. Stellino’s original drawings and digital projections are regularly shown throughout Europe, e. g. at MADATAC (Muestra de Arte Digital y Audiovisual Contemporanea) in Madrid. For further Information see www.gabriela-stellino.de
What was your reaction when you heard that you where awarded?
Of pleasant surprise. I thank you.
Tell us a few words about your awarded work.
It all began literally in the Landscape. The first Sequence, “Limits of the Visibility” (“Grenzen der Sichbarkeit,” 01:29 minutes) The landscape disappears in the fog—its open forms, with few contrasts and subtle nuances, and the same old conflict regarding the moving subject.
The drawing is not yet finished, and everything has already changed. The images work with unfocused contours. They either have a composition that is taking shape, or work on forms that are losing their contours.
Technique comes after intention. Video offers the possibility of recording movement. It works as a tool. I digitalize the paintings but I do not use the effects included in the software.
Here everything depends on the nature of painting.

Finalist Award Larnaca Biennale 2018
What is your impression about this first Biennial in Cyprus?
Very good, I have received excellent support for the presentation of my work.
A message you would like to send to artists that will apply in the future for participation in Larnaca Biennale.
I hope that the biennial will gain its presence and presence within the art platform and that it will continue to be a stimulus for artists.