We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with Niki Papaspirou, an art historian and exhibition curator with a profound understanding of contemporary Greek art. With her extensive experience in curating exhibitions, Niki brings a unique perspective to the Larnaca Biennale 2023.
In this interview, she shares her insights on the theme of “home” and its significance in addressing concepts such as security, intimacy, and diversity. Niki also discusses the role of art in society, emphasizing the importance of artistic freedom and the ability of artworks to reflect critical issues. Additionally, she explores the transformative power of biennales as platforms for communication, cultural heritage, and inspiration.
Join us as we delve into Niki’s thoughts on the Larnaca Biennale and the impact of art events on the public and beyond.

As a jury member, what do you hope to see in the submissions for the “Home Away From Home” theme of the Larnaca Biennale 2023?

The theme of “home” that this year’s Larnaca Biennale addresses, incorporates in my view particularly important concepts such as security, intimacy, care, love, solidarity, communication, freedom, diversity, identity, respect. Concepts which in the multi-crisis situation we experienced and are still experiencing (economic-political crisis, health crisis, climate change, wars) acquire new meanings and a need for action. I am very much interested in the diversity of the artistic production of contemporary art. I would expect new and honest suggestions and I look forward to seeing how the works will discuss the above issues through their diversity.

How do you believe contemporary art and the diverse ideas and stories presented by artists in international events like Biennales contribute to critical issues that concern society?

In our contemporary global circumstance, artistic practice is to be allowed to develop freely, to experiment and deviate from the norm. Art, I believe, is not an isolated and remote island in the ocean. Artworks are the result of the society that produces them and in an international event like a Biennale it is of great interest to study and highlight the ideas, thoughts, stories that artists’ proposals present, from different latitudes and longitudes of the earth. Artists usually reflect new ways of thinking and art is not expected to offer solutions but a way to re-illuminate critical issues that concern us all.

How do you see the role of the Larnaca Biennale and similar events evolving in the coming years, and what impact do you think they have on the art world as a whole?

Art events like a Biennale are a platform for communicating, sharing, reactivating and re-signifying concepts and places. Biennales can even appear as an antidote to severe social and political concerns, helping us to relate to cultures, ideas, history, to maintain our cultural heritage and simply to take pleasure and inspiration. We expect that Larnaca Biennale will contribute to the establishment of an ongoing interaction with the public and that it will create a long-lasting impact.